Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Kajian PPSMI sedia dibentang kepada Kabinet
REF: utusanonline
PUTRAJAYA 14 April - Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata, hasil kajian mengenai dasar Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) telah siap dan sedia untuk dibentangkan kepada Kabinet.

Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Pelajaran berkata, pihaknya masih menunggu maklum balas daripada beberapa kementerian sebelum ia dibentangkan kepada jemaah menteri supaya segala keputusan yang dibuat nanti merupakan langkah terbaik untuk semua pihak.

''Saya sendiri masih belum meneliti kertas kajian tersebut dan satu mesyuarat mengenainya akan diadakan minggu depan,'' katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas majlis serah terima tugas antara beliau dan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein di sini hari ini.

Hari ini adalah hari pertama beliau menjalankan tugas rasmi sebagai Menteri Pelajaran sejak pengumuman barisan Kabinet baru Khamis lalu.

Beliau sebelum itu diberikan taklimat mengenai pentadbiran serta pengurusan kementerian dan isu-isu berbangkit oleh Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pelajaran, Tan Sri Dr. Zulkurnain Awang dan Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran, Datuk Alimuddin Mohd. Dom.

Muhyiddin memberitahu, para pegawai Kementerian Pelajaran telah diarah turun padang secara lebih kerap bagi meninjau kemudahan di sekolah-sekolah supaya Dasar Pendidikan Negara dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan.

"Mana-mana masalah yang boleh diselesaikan segera, kita minta pegawai-pegawai yang ada kuasa melakukannya.

"Kita nak pastikan bukan saja dasar-dasar sedia ada dapat dilaksanakan tetapi Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan (PIPP) yang bermula sejak 2006 diteruskan," ujarnya.

Katanya, pendekatan sedemikian adalah penting kerana terdapat kira-kira 5.4 juta pelajar sekolah di seluruh negara.

"Kementerian juga tidak mungkin menghadapi masalah memandangkan kita mempunyai jumlah tenaga kerja lebih 500,000 orang," jelasnya.

Sementara itu, Hishammuddin dalam sidang akhbar berasingan berkata, pelantikan Muhyiddin sebagai Menteri Pelajaran menunjukkan keseriusan kerajaan untuk membentuk modal insan yang bermula dari peringkat kanak-kanak.

Beliau yakin, kehadiran Muhyiddin akan membolehkan kementerian tersebut mencapai setiap matlamat dan sasaran walaupun terpaksa menghadapi pelbagai cabaran termasuk kesan ekonomi global tidak menentu.

*attached here, few e-mails taken from 'xfaris96@yahoogroups.com' regarding on PPSMI.
Salam Semua. Sorry “explode” your mailbox with few emails from Zulfazly Deris. I enjoyed reading Helmie's email. At least I know how his views and which angle he looks this issue (PPSMI). Secondly, thanks for the replying this email at 5.31am (not sure kalau Helmie ada kat oversea). It is very tough for politician and businessman to reply the email at early morning. Thirdly, no point I highlight politics view because everybody has your own stand on the politic. You all know better than me and better than others. then, on PPMSI I alreadu express my views. I just would like to reply on concept of Malay and Islam. My first word is Islam is not belong to Malay. We cannot say, once Malay then definitely we are muslim. Before I focus on Aqidah, do we know a lot of Malay are not Muslim? Belum kira yg terbatal syahadah because of action, word and hati. Belum lagi kira Malay yg terbatal syahadah because of sifat fasiq and sifat Munafiq. What I’m trying to say is Islam is total, it is not Malay.I know who I am, I proud born as Muslim rather than born as Malay. Frankly, I more proud born as Malaysian rather born as Malay. What I’m trying to say is Malay is no place di sisi Allah. Sesiapa yang beriman should have place di sisi Allah yakni Islam. Clear our direction, we would like to sacrify ourself as Muslim army or Malay army?Tiada dalam sirah Rasulullah baginda mendoakan kesejahteraan bangsa arab, Baginda mendoakan kesejahteraan muslimin dan muslimat. Sama juga dengan dengan nabi2 sebelumnya, ada Nabi Isa mendoakan kesejateraan bani Israel ? ada Nabi Hud mendoakan kesejahteraan Kaum Aad dan thamud? Para nabi2 mendoakan semua pengikut Baginda pada masa itu, bukan kepada bangsa. Saya amik sedikit petikan surat Tuan Guru Nik Aziz kepada YB Nga Kor Meng, ahli Parlimen taiping “Saya mempunyai sebuah impian. Dalam tempoh tidak berapa lama lagi mudah-mudahan akan muncul lebih ramai orang dari kalangan masyarakat Tionghua, India, Siam, Bajau dan Kadazan yang tampil menjadi Qari, Ustaz, Khatib dan Imam di seluruh negara. Kalau Jenghiz Khan yang mengetuai tentera Moghul menyerang dan memusnahkan hampir seluruh Kerajaan dan tamadun Islam di Kota Baghdad , tetapi sempat ditebus semula keagungan Islam melalui cucunya yang bernama Aurangzeb yang menegakkan empayar Islam di India kemudiannya. Maka saya mempunyai keyakinan yang kuat bahawa Islam akan kembali gemilang di negara kita melalui kaedah dan insiden yang hampir sama.”
Surat nih show to us on the importance of Islam rather bangsa.
this is my final email on this topics.. tanak berlarutan takut makin panas... nak saing lamo..
Geng, I would like join mamak jugak laa…
--- On Wed, 4/15/09, d d wrote:
From: d d
Subject: Re: [XFaris96] Fwd:PPSMI Untuk Orang Melayu!
To: XFaris96@yahoogroup s.com
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 9:48 AM

alot to be digested here, but out of all step by step consideration should be improvised to determine whether we or the government or the 'pembangkang' has taken efficient and effective measure regarding this PPSMI thing. The efficient and effective terms stated should be well understood by all of us to make this discussion works out. As the first phase of the PPSMI has begone, we need to provide results and facts regarding the previous implementation PRACTICALLY. . so, jom KEDAI MAMAK!!! AKU NOK JOIN JUGOK!!!
Daripada: "helmiehasan@www.farastudio. com"
Kepada: XFaris96@yahoogroup s.com
Dihantar: Rabu, 15 April , 2009 5:31:43
Subjek: Re: [XFaris96] Fwd:PPSMI Untuk Orang Melayu!

Assalamualaikum my fellow friends....May The Almighty of ALLAH will always with us and save our fellow Malays! Even though Mat Ju has chosen to show to us here that he has totally disagree with me and tried to UNDERSTAND me the concept of Malays & Islam and again no harm bout that. I am motivated by the love to fellow Malays, as well as by an understanding of the immense importance of the personal example of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), the Malay communities deserved to be bless by THE ALMIGHTY OF ALLAH and yet I have no interest to express my respect to non-Malays since all of us are ‘Melayu Islam’. Ju shouted why Malays? Straight forward answer that we all Malays and definitely we are MUSLIM. Perhaps, from childhood, until this present day, we have sought to imitate the example of our Great Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) in all its details, unless they were of the particular matters that ALLAH MOST HIGH chose only for Him.
And I am HURT by Mat Ju degrading words. One should not be protective over him. But please remember, we are still MALAY, who has a problem in expressing our views tactfully. I am sure, being a true MALAY, you still adhere to our good values, rite?. Quoted from Mat Ju, ‘last word, i love to support joe's statement on RM500. it's too secondary this RM500 will be part of hujah in supporting PPSMI. this materialistc hujah shouldn't be the justification in promoting PPMSI, this only shows how _ _ _ _ think.’ . Whatever alphabet that 'fillet' 4 blank box, ’I have to think’ & I have to take a count that RM500 is also MY LAST CONSIDERATION in supporting PPSMI. I’m tried not to be idealistic and co-horde with STIGMA THINKING. Just to synergies & draw-up a chronology that related with my lateral’s life & families.
Not being apologetic to Mat Ju, I am just looking at this PPSMI’s issue at a different perspective. CONFLICT among Malays have to be avoid and do not let OTHERS smile triumphantly because we are going to take this as a challenge to improve our race.
Yes, I do believe we have a duty to REEDUCATE misfits whoelse disagree with PPSMI. Well, in a case like this, it is not reeducating, that needs, but reminding. I am sure we have been educated with good values during our boarding time at FARISPETRA and guys, we can make a difference.
Anyway, I am not in a position to justify which one best or not for our future Malays, but at least I have to make sure my future legacy will be learning with a WELL-STRUCTURED education system that drafted by the current leaders. But there are usually REASONS as to WHY certain things work or are successful. Even the Quran asked us to look at History and study the past of what happened in past civilizations. .. and the very study of the rise and fall of civilizations is one of the most interesting study of mankind one could take.
Just wanna share with all fellow Malays, the other BOTTOM LINE which a TYPICAL MALAY as mySELF has FAILED to see, which is a SAD fact is... WHY Chinese and Indians don't talk as badly or admit certain things about their own race is:
a) YOU are NOT the TYPE of person or 'MALAY' that they would feel comfortable or OPEN enough to TALK about these sort of things openly about with...
b) IF they... the Other Races in this country WERE to talk about the negative aspects of their own race... well, if they and even WE were to WEIGH the positive and negative aspects... their POSITIVE ASPECTS as well as what they have ACHIEVED as a RACE... historically as well as their RACES contribution to Human Kind and Human Civilization. .. whether it be in terms of early calculus from India, the worlds first Calculator from China, Silk, Gunpowder, Spices, Agricultural knowledge and even early mining... these POSITIVE aspects can OUTWEIGH the negative ANYTIME...
So... can somebody tell me... for Malay Leaders and our Malays to act with our Ketuanan Melayu. WHAT HAS THE MALAY RACE CONTRIBUTED towards the development of HUMAN CIVILIZATION? ?? Simple question is it not? It’s A LOTS. If we want SPECIAL RIGHTS and to consider ourselves SPECIAL with SPECIAL PREVILEGES.. . .there HAS to be something special about Malays in the first place right??? Or are we the OTHER definition of Special or 'Istimewa'…Definitely we are SPECIAL.
Coz if you view Malays from a Investors perspective in terms of Return On Investment, that means that we're a BAD INVESTMENT as a race and slowly becoming TOO DEPENDENT on the Government…a SUBSIDIZED RACE with a SUBSIDIZED MENTALITY... and even PROUD to be SUBSIDIZED too... now WHERE is the honor in THAT as a MALAYS???
Let dig it out, we are here learning and listening with calm and remember that everyone can share & throwing brilliant appraisal for kindness member of the floors. Take it positive. Time to change! Actually I am in a corner to START a kind of FORUM to be brand as ‘WACANA PEMBINAAN BANGSA’. Definitely my fellow friends here can contribute as a speaker later on. Guys, really need your support and great ideas on this matter. ‘WACANA PEMBINAAN BANGSA’.
*Anyway, by the time I’m publishing this ‘harsh note’ to myself anyway, CHELSEA demolished Liverpool's hope by aggregate of 7 to 5. What a great game! SYABAS CHELSEA !
*there is no issues, just a myown feeling bout myself and myMALAYS. Joe, u gave great analogy & mindset. Lamanya Nak Tunggu & kena Tunggu RAYA baru dapat jumpa!
Ahmad Helmie Hassan
Managing Director
Faratravel (M) S/B - advertising/ printing/ embroideryFara Advertising S/B - advertisingOn Helmie Engineering S/B - Design & Build / C & S Consultant/Contract orTaukedaging Enterprise - agriculture/ cattle farm(lembu) www.farastudio. comhelmiehassan@ farastudio. comwww.helmiehassan. blogspot. com
Mobile : 012 290 6341 / 012 292 6341 Office : 03 2694 4688 Fax : 03 2694 8588
Hotline : 014 322 5 888

--- On Tue, 4/14/09, Nik Mohd Hasmizie wrote:

From: Nik Mohd Hasmizie
Subject: Re: [XFaris96] Fwd:PPSMI Untuk Orang Melayu!
To: XFaris96@yahoogroup s.com
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 8:41 PM
Demo silap pehe statement kawe. Pembangkang kawe maksudkan bukan parti pembangkang. dlm setiap isu mestilah ada pencadang dan pembangkang. So pembangkang hok kawe maksudkan ialah sesiapa yg x setuju pasal PPSMI la. So x kisah parti mano2.
Kawe antara yg x setuju. Tp bukan 100%. Ado point2 hok nak ditulis. nanti la time x bz sikit. Lenguh jari ni taip kat henpon hehe.


- original message -
Subject: Re: [XFaris96] Fwd:PPSMI Untuk Orang Melayu!
From: Zulfazly Deris
Date: 14/04/2009 8:04 PM

Sebelum aku off laptop aku, nak betulkan statement mijie laa..
bagi aku, menjadi satu kejayaan bagi pihak kerajaan selangor, kelantan, penang, kedah dan Perak - (bukan pembangkang ok!!) kalau kerajaan perseketuan mengubah PPSMI kepada lebih baik. Pihak kerajaan negeri2 seperti di atas bukannya totally tak setuju, tapi approach kena lagi bijak..

last word, i love to support joe's statement on RM500. it's too secondary this RM500 will be part of hujah in supporting PPSMI. this materialistc hujah shouldn't be the justification in promoting PPMSI, this only shows how _ _ _ _ think.


--- On Tue, 4/14/09, Nik Mohd Hasmizie wrote:

From: Nik Mohd Hasmizie
Subject: Re: [XFaris96] Fwd:PPSMI Untuk Orang Melayu!
To: XFaris96@yahoogroup s.com
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 7:40 PM

I am too busy today and maybe until end of week. I will write something la Joe before jumpa kat Mamak hahaha.
Dah agak panas issue ni di sini. Tapi harap kawan2 jgn terasa ngan komen2. Biasa la tu. Kawe terimo belako komen2 dan pandangan yg diberi. Hok mano molek kito ambik.
P/s: banyok point2 utk pihak pembangkang kena cari ni. Tu la kat sekolah dulu x jadi pemidato kawe.
- original message -
Subject: Re: [XFaris96] Fwd:PPSMI Untuk Orang Melayu!
From: Zulfazly Deris
Date: 14/04/2009 7:07 PM

I would like to participate in this discussion jugak laa...
First of all, sorry Helmi, I disagree with your Muqaddimah "May The Almighty of Allah will always with us and save our fellow Malays!".. Kenapa perlu MELAYU?.. bangsa lain tak layak ke menerima keselamatan and kerahmatan drpada Allah. For me, as long as mengucap syahadah, apa bangsa pun layak menerima kerahmatan and keberkatan from Allah. Kiat mesti paham concept melayu dan islam..
After reading Helmi's email, it's more of promoting umno instead collect the important elements of PPSMI. I do agree some of the points highlighted by Helmi, however some of the points still need to be evaluated on the efficiency, practicality and the implementation.
Personnaly, I agree with PPSMI however the approcah done by government should be improved. I agree mainly beacuse of our education system is much influenced Mat salleh. Sebab tuhlah bila masuk university, it was difficulties to us translate the term to English. Antara yg aku nampak dengan mata kasar on improvement yg boleh are:
1. Implementation should be from top down.. Maksud aku from universiti to sekolah menengah and Sekolah Rendah. So, firstly, semua universiti kena wajibkan pengajian dlm bahasa inggeris. (some universiti belum lagi)
2. The implementation should be at most at second level of education system (secondary school). At this time, the kids can appreciate more on the english version of Match and Scince. I disagree with the primary school mainly because of the failure of pupils (budak sekolah rendah) in adapting the english version will be resulting the demotivation of learning english and match. We can talk this subject in english to those who expose to english environment but not to pupils who are coming from kawasan kampung like my kampung, Kemubu...
3. For me, PPMSI should have options to pupils to have it either in english or bahasa. Now, they have only options to answer examination questions in english or bahasa. Before deciding to choose in english or bahasa, teachers, parrents or NGO must educate/explain/ provide general information on the job demands environment. This information should be towards the importance of english. I believe by having this approach, the acceptance by public can be improved.
just my 2cents talk.. Sorry Helmie kalau terkasar.
On the public promotion on Umno... I have no comment. everybody has their own stand on this.. We know better than others..
--- On Tue, 4/14/09, Johari Ahmad wrote:
From: Johari Ahmad
Subject: Re: [XFaris96] Fwd:PPSMI Untuk Orang Melayu!
To: XFaris96@yahoogroup s.com
Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 6:20 PM

that's a long email there..:D
i've got a few comments tho...
yes, there's a change in the line-up, but the fundamentals are pretty much status quo...well, at least from the way i see it lah. If they are working towards that, then they've got to show it, real fast! it's always result oriented in the real world, not just pure sales pitching!

talking abt the younger generation, i must say that i'm always being neutral (but critical) abt the govt, and i can tell you that NONE of my friends are inclined towards supporting UMNO (well, u are one exception la kot! :D)...
now that the reasons why this is happening is outlined, what's the party gonna do abt it? apart from talking out loud, and picking Khairy to be at helm of Pemuda?
we'd like to see more action and less talk. (well, all parties are champions at talking, but i'm singling out PKR and BN as 2 front runners!!) ppl are tired already...

and a little more transparency wld help too, i think....think the selangor govt is moving an inch on transparency and that makes ppl happy, just to point out an example.

the RM500 extra is so secondary (if not the last reason, why i support this)
it's all abt the students and their interests, and what's best for them.
i strongly believe there shldnt be any language transition whatsoever, so i support teaching maths in english from day 1, not starting at 2ndary school (Icang, rebuttals pls..:D), not at the uni...
kalau boleh, aku nak prinsip akaun pon blaja in english....looking back, rasa macam wasted je blajar in malay, then susah2 kena tune to english all over again (not that aku look down on bahasa melayu, but it's just not practical).. ..we have to get real!
yes, it's gonna be a challenge, but if we are willing to take it up with less resistance, insyaallla okay...
hehheeee...best ni nok jjupo mijie, icang, peli kat mamak!!! :D
p/s - mie, rayo nnt maghi rumoh deh!

2009/4/14 helmiehasan@ www.farastudio. com

Assalamualaikum my fellow friends....May The Almighty of Allah will always with us and save our fellow Malays!
Guys! The fact that,UMNO has been serving the country and for the country for past 60 over years.I have realized that UMNO have changed not only their goals, but their lined-up of good people. We may take a little time to read some of our history, UMNO was the party that held the country together with all races hence their portfolio up till now and we also knew that Malays is the only beneficial'bangsa' that scripted in 'The Perlembagaan' . PPSMI's issue as well. At least my mother, being teaching Math for the past 30 over years(myself, mywife, Izzat Mohamed,Nik Nurhidayu, we all learning @ same playground/school) now getting paid additional for the sum of RM500. I do agree with Mat Icang. This RM500, she can make sure myself 'blajar & kawin' for the last 6 years, my brothers as well, 'bley blajar & kawin' with that additional RM500.. So now, ashamed on me if i do not want and allow myself to support PPSMI that also gonna benefit my youngest sister that
still learning math in english, she's now in standard 5. Let her and her fellow friends learning math in english, and now to have a great future when she can digest and calculating math in English. At least, she already can speak english and text me a message 'Abe, when you want to come back home and give me RM200. I want to buy new dress & tudung!'. There is no argument for me for not supporting PPSMI. And thou, no concrete argument for us yet to reject, demonstrated & protested our feeling against PPSMI. For me no issues. Let's the officers do their work, 'dasar kerajaan' already gazetted. 6 years! Amirul's eldest children pun dah nak masuk sekolah dah & learning math in english. No harm la. I do hope Muhyiddin will calm down this issue brilliantly not blundle' action like 'mantan' minister laaa. I'm also try to list down, why couple of thousands Malay do not agree with PPSMI. Anyway,the biggest achievement UMNO has done, was able to rule the
government till now with a doubt of peoples in Kelantan, Selangor, Penang & Kedah.
However, i feel proud that 'tanah tumpah darahku'was called “Tanah Malayu”. To be realistically right - NONE of Chinese & Indians and it has already been proven do not originate from Tanah Melayu itself. If you ask me, i’d say the “ORANG MELAYU" is The Tuan of 'TANAHMELAYU' , BUT we are The Malays, the ones who are not entitled to what is rightfully ours. SO, tell me - WHAT IS FAIR NOW? WHO SHOULD REALLY DESERVE the rights? Don’t give me the regular bull shit of, but we are the Malays and we rightfully own it - so it’s not self declaration? It's Stated in PERLEMBAGAAN. Wake up Malays and smell the flowers. It’s already the year 2009. The dark ages are over.
For god sake’s of Malays stop quarreling among ourselves. UMNO = Malays, PAS = Malays and Malays in PKR. We should be ashamed. Leaders shout so loudly claiming that they are better than others. I don’t know whether you all realized it or not, but all of the political party in Malaysia are lead up by the wonderful and charismatic leaders. I wonder what will happen if those guys team up together regardless of their idealogy. What I mean is if UMNO, PAS and PKR for a moment put aside their conflicts and combine hand to hand together to improve our malay's economy so much, that our equities will be able to increase. Do we all wish to see our beloved Malaysia become the second Indonesia or Thailand? Certainly not right? Those countries are down due to their endless and meaningless political conflicts that doesn’t do any good to their economy level.It is quite ashamed for a unique beautiful little Malaysia that consist of multiracial diversity with
different religious belief, was unable to defeat mankind greatest weakness that is GREED. Where is The values in Islam. I see both our Malays Leader from ruling party and the oppositions was full of GREED agenda. Even during political campaigning, we could clearly see greed motivation through their patriotic face. Please, I am begging you, both BN and PR leaders, please throw away your greed if you all are fighting for the best of Malay peoples. Stop backstabbing, false accusing other party, bad mouthing and etc. Start negotiating and compromising for a better Malays and for our future generation.
And now, the fact that,why is the majority of young Malays not with BN and UMNO in particular?
It appears to me that our leaders are moving around like headless chickens trying to figure that out, plus what solutions to overcome.
Well, I have to admit that it's a difficult question to answer but nevertheless let me attempt to do so. Let me summarise the probable answer into 2 key areas;

1. Serious image problem
2. Failure to attract

Let's dwelve into each;
1. Serious image problem
- On the Internet ; Pervasive negativity about BN (and UMNO in particular). Images of being corrupt, incompetent, racist, flip-flop, slow, self-serving etc have infected their minds. Avalanche of critics on the net, but poor response strategy from the Govt.
- On the ground ; Poor visibility. Impression of leaders being completely detached from the rakyat in terms of their thinking & lifestyle.
- From their peers & own experiences; They talk. Bad word of mouth reinforces the already negative perception.
- (Remember that it is difficult to create or maintain a positive perception. But very easy to destroy it; just create doubts in their minds. Allow that to fester, and their overall perception on BN, UMNO and the Government will be negative. Thus, for every step forward that the Opposition does, BN has to do 3-step forward just to neutralize it).
2. Failure to attract
- Failure to reach out; No effective strategy to entice them, except during elections. Too many programs `syok sendiri' and inward looking.
- Lack of idealism; failure to inspire and capture their imagination. . Instead they just throw money around.
- Lack of credible leaders amongst the young; image of mostly self serving ones. Contrast with the youthful image of the Opposition.
- Failure to address their grouses; maybe to a certain extent.
- Opposition far more organized. Reaching out to NGOs and civil society.
Despite the change of leadership (plus the positive vibes being let out), looks like the momentum from the March 08 political tsunami is still strong. Thus the Opposition is expected to make further inroads amongst the young. Unless the new Adminstration can quickly and effectively reengineer their whole approach; in dealing and reaching out to the rakyat especially the young, plus creating and projecting a positive image of themselves throughout.
Let's wait and see...

www.helmiehassan. blogspot. com
www.pemudaumnoketer eh.blogspot. com

Ahmad Helmie Hassan
Managing Director
Faratravel (M) S/B - advertising/ printing/ embroidery Fara Advertising S/B - advertising On Helmie Engineering S/B - Design & Build / C & S Consultant/Contract or Taukedaging Enterprise - agriculture/ cattle farm(lembu) www.farastudio. com helmiehassan@ farastudio. com www.helmiehassan. blogspot. com
Mobile : 012 290 6341 / 012 292 6341 Office : 03 2694 4688 Fax : 03 2694 8588
Hotline : 014 322 5 888

--- On Tue, 4/14/09, Norhisham wrote:

> From: Norhisham
> Subject: Re: [XFaris96] Fwd:PPSMI memperbodohkan orang Melayu?
> To: XFaris96@yahoogroup s.com
> Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 8:26 AM
> Salam..Pada pendapatan aku..
> i) Aku sokong PPSMI
> - Bagus sebab magreh tu bahasa international
> - Cikgu dpt extra income
> - Bila doh masuk u, semua buku ikut magreh.
> - Lecturer pun pulah2 lidoh ngaja kut magreh
> - Time interview pun kut magreh
> - Time kijo lagi la kut magreh (nak2 kalu kijo sarawak,
> rasonya kalu aku test magreh semula, seney2 jah dpt A
> kot!..hehe.. mokcik jual sayur pun selamba jah speaking
> magreh)
> ii) Aku tok sokong PPSMI
> - Takdop ore nak sokong Mijie (sian ko saing aku..set2
> utm skudai)
> - Terkebil2 budok kg di hulu kelate bila dohla blaja
> magreh pahtu cikgu tu pulok kurang
> sikit kemagrehannya.
> - Budok2 banyak diberikan input tapi tok faham maknonya
> - Cikgu sendiri tok faham nk ngaja kut magreh (eh
> silap..faham tp tok reti nkj explain)
> - Ngaja kut magreh stress sikit (sebabnya kalu buat lawak
> kut magreh budok tok sukko sebab tok pehey..tu pun kalu
> cikgu reti wat lawak kut magreh)
> Pinjey buah matjo!
> I'm all for maths and science in english in secondary
> schools but not at primary level - Mat Icang!
> Wassalam..
> ~ Mijie + Matjo + Pelli , aku pun dah lama tok gi
> mamak..22/4 (lepas isyak) kita bulih pekena mamak di
> Bangi..Temmi belanjo ~

1 comment:

  1. Sesungguhnya, semua ini telah kuperhatikan, semua ini telah kuperiksa, yakni bahwa orang-orang yang benar dan orang-orang yang berhikmat dan perbuatan-perbuatan mereka, baik kasih maupun kebencian, ada di tangan Allah; manusia tidak mengetahui apapun yang dihadapinya.
    Segala sesuatu sama bagi sekalian; nasib orang sama: baik orang yang benar maupun orang yang fasik, orang yang baik maupun orang yang jahat, orang yang tahir maupun orang yang najis, orang yang mempersembahkan korban maupun yang tidak mempersembahkan korban. Sebagaimana orang yang baik, begitu pula orang yang berdosa; sebagaimana orang yang bersumpah, begitu pula orang yang takut untuk bersumpah.
    Inilah yang celaka dalam segala sesuatu yang terjadi di bawah matahari; nasib semua orang sama. Hati anak-anak manusiapun penuh dengan kejahatan, dan kebebalan ada dalam hati mereka seumur hidup, dan kemudian mereka menuju alam orang mati.

    Tetapi siapa yang termasuk orang hidup mempunyai harapan, karena anjing yang hidup lebih baik dari pada singa yang mati.
    Karena orang-orang yang hidup tahu bahwa mereka akan mati, tetapi orang yang mati tak tahu apa-apa, tak ada upah lagi bagi mereka, bahkan kenangan kepada mereka sudah lenyap.
    Baik kasih mereka, maupun kebencian dan kecemburuan mereka sudah lama hilang, dan untuk selama-lamanya tak ada lagi bahagian mereka dalam segala sesuatu yang terjadi di bawah matahari.
    Mari, makanlah rotimu dengan sukaria, dan minumlah anggurmu dengan hati yang senang, karena Allah sudah lama berkenan akan perbuatanmu.
    Biarlah selalu putih pakaianmu dan jangan tidak ada minyak di atas kepalamu.
    Nikmatilah hidup dengan isteri yang kaukasihi seumur hidupmu yang sia-sia, yang dikaruniakan TUHAN kepadamu di bawah matahari, karena itulah bahagianmu dalam hidup dan dalam usaha yang engkau lakukan dengan jerih payah di bawah matahari.
    Segala sesuatu yang dijumpai tanganmu untuk dikerjakan, kerjakanlah itu sekuat tenaga, karena tak ada pekerjaan, pertimbangan, pengetahuan dan hikmat dalam dunia orang mati, ke mana engkau akan pergi.
    Lagi aku melihat di bawah matahari bahwa kemenangan perlombaan bukan untuk yang cepat, dan keunggulan perjuangan bukan untuk yang kuat, juga roti bukan untuk yang berhikmat, kekayaan bukan untuk yang cerdas, dan karunia bukan untuk yang cerdik cendekia, karena waktu dan nasib dialami mereka semua.
    Karena manusia tidak mengetahui waktunya. Seperti ikan yang tertangkap dalam jala yang mencelakakan, dan seperti burung yang tertangkap dalam jerat, begitulah anak-anak manusia terjerat pada waktu yang malang, kalau hal itu menimpa mereka secara tiba-tiba.
